Interventional Radiology for Tumors


Interventional radiology is one of the latest advancements in modern medicine. It is used for the precise and targeted diagnosis and treatment of tumors, reducing the need for traditional surgery. Interventional radiology is considered an ideal option for treating various types of tumors, including benign tumors, malignant tumors, and fibroids. In this article, we will explore how interventional radiology is used for tumors, its advantages, and patients' experiences with this innovative technique.

How is interventional radiology used to treat tumors?
Interventional radiology uses medical imaging such as X-rays, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to guide tiny medical instruments inside the body to treat tumors. Small instruments are inserted through the skin to access the tumor and deliver treatment directly.

Treatment methods using interventional radiology for tumors include the following:
- Thermal or radiofrequency ablation: Sending radio waves to generate heat to destroy tumor cells.
- Cryoablation: Freezing the tumor cells to destroy them.
- Localized chemotherapy: Injecting chemotherapy drugs directly into the tumor.
- Arterial embolization therapy: Injecting small particles of chemicals to block the artery feeding the tumor and prevent blood flow to the tumor, cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients, leading to cell death.

Types of tumors treated with interventional radiology:
- Liver cancer.
- Lung cancer.
- Prostate cancer.
- Kidney tumors.
- Central nervous system tumors.
- Uterine fibroids.
However, each case must be assessed individually to determine whether interventional radiology treatment is appropriate for this condition.

Interventional radiology for fibroids:
Fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors that grow in the uterus and affect women of reproductive age. They can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as heavy bleeding during menstruation, pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, difficulty urinating or defecating, and even difficulty conceiving.
Interventional radiology is widely used in the treatment of uterine fibroids, and methods of treating fibroids with interventional radiology include:
- Uterine Embolization: A small catheter is inserted through the uterine artery to deliver small particles that block the blood vessels feeding the fibroid, causing it to shrink.
- Focused Ultrasound Thermal Ablation: Intense ultrasound waves are directed at the fibroid tumor to destroy it.

Advantages of treating tumors with interventional radiology:
The advantages of interventional radiology treatment for tumors include the following:
- Minimally invasive technique: The treatment is done through tiny incisions, minimizing the risks associated with traditional surgery, such as infection and bleeding.
- Faster recovery time: Patients can return to their normal lives more quickly compared to traditional surgery.
- High precision: Interventional radiology allows doctors to precisely target the tumor, improving the effectiveness of treatment and minimizing the impact on surrounding healthy tissue.
- Less painful: The procedures are less painful and require only local anesthesia in most cases.
- Fewer complications: Interventional radiology treatment reduces risk of complications compared to traditional surgery.
- Repeatability: The use of interventional radiology can be safely repeated as often as necessary, such as in the case of large tumors or advanced stages.
- Accessibility: Interventional radiology can target tumor sites that are challenging to access through surgery or near sensitive areas.

Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology:
Al Hayat Center is the first center in Iraq to treat tumors without surgery using the latest interventional radiology technology, with a distinguished team of experienced specialists who provide comprehensive health care and develop a treatment plan that suits each case after an accurate assessment and diagnosis, considering individual needs to improve the patient's quality of life.

My experience with interventional radiology:
Many patients around the world have benefited from interventional radiology for the treatment of tumors. A patient at Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology and Neurointervention recounts her experience: "I am 80 years old and have a kidney tumor that cannot be surgically removed as I cannot undergo general anesthesia. So I went to Al Hayat Center, and after examination and diagnosis, the only solution for my case was interventional radiology treatment using the cryotherapy technique, and the doctors succeeded in getting rid of the tumor with a success rate of more than 90%, and my quality of life was greatly restored. I would like to thank all the staff at Al Hayat Center for their care from day one and the success of my experience with interventional radiology."

In conclusion:
Interventional radiology is a breakthrough in the field of oncology, providing a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgery. Thanks to its precision and effectiveness, it has become a preferred option for many patients and doctors. Its advantages include less pain, faster recovery time, and fewer complications. Patients' experience with this technique is often positive, reflecting its importance in improving quality of life. If you have a tumor and are looking for effective treatment options, a consultation with one of our interventional radiologists at Al Hayat Center may be a wise step toward treatment and recovery.